

On 4 June 2018, the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, in co-operation with the Ministry of the Interior, the State Fire and Rescue Service (hereinafter - SFRS), the State Police (hereinafter - SP), the State Border Guard (hereinafter - SBG) and the Emergency Medical Service (hereinafter - EMS), launched the project “Single contact centre platform to support the work of operational services and delivery of public services” within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund operational programme “Growth and Employment” specific support objective 2.2.1 “Ensure increased re-use of public data and effective interaction between public administration and the private sector” activity “Establishment of centralized public administration ICT platforms, optimization and development of public administration processes” (hereinafter - the Project).

The main goal of the project is to improve the availability, timeliness and quality of operational services provided to the public, as well as to ensure the functionality of a single contact centre for the needs of the state public administration.

Project goals:

M1. To increase the efficiency and timeliness of the 112 service;

M2. To provide services full online access to the information about the event;

M3. To improve the availability of the 112 service;

M4. To create a unified technological environment for receiving emergency messages (call, eCall, SMS, etc.);

M5. To implement 112 service quality control;

M6. To modernize the resource management system of operational services.

Project cooperation partners: Emergency Medical Service, State Fire and Rescue Service, State Police, State Border Guard, Ministry of the Interior.

The total cost of the project is 5,000,000 EUR, incl. European Regional Development Fund funding in the amount of 4,250,000 EUR and state budget financing in the amount of 750,000 EUR.

The project will be implemented within 36 months. Currently, the extension of the project deadline until November 2022 has been agreed with the MEPRD.

In the period until 01.03.2021, the following activities have been implemented in the project and the following activities have been started:

Activity 1 “Project Management” - the administrative and technical management of the project is implemented in connection with the started activities No. 2, 4, 8. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with the SP, SFRS, SBG and EMS. Cooperation in resolving the necessary issues with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (hereinafter - MEPRD) is being continued. The extension of the project deadline until November 2022 has been agreed with the MEPRD. Cabinet documents for amendments to Order of 24 April 2017 No. 198 “On the implementation of information society development guidelines in the field of public administration information systems (target architecture version 13.0)” have been submitted for consideration. The Cabinet of Ministers will consider them on 18 April, 2021.

Activity 2 “Analysis of Business Processes and Development of Technical Specifications for the Call Centre System and Operational Services Resource Management System” - on 2 August, 2018, EIS procurement IEMIC/2018/133 was performed and in accordance with the terms of reference concluded with SIA “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, works have been completed and deliverables received:

- Single contact centre operating model;

- Single contact centre business processes and requirements;

- Recommendations for changes in regulatory enactments to ensure the operation of the single contact centre platform;

- Technical specification of the single contact centre platform telephony solution;

- Technical specification for the development of the single contact centre.

Activity 3 “Purchase, Installation, Programming, Configuration, Integration and Commissioning of Technical Infrastructure and Licenses of the Call Centre” - licenses and technical equipment for the telephony solution were purchased within the framework of the activity, the telephony solution was introduced.

Activity 4 “Training of the Call Centre System Administrators and Users” - before the planned time of the activity, in order to be included in the schedule of training courses, EIS procurement No. IEMIC/2019/40 was carried out, which resulted in 6 training courses for administrators on various topics to ensure the implementation and maintenance of the Single Contact Centre Platform (hereinafter - SCCP).

Activity 5 “Development, Supervision (Implementation Quality Control) and Testing of the Software for the Technological Module for the Resource Management of Operational Services” - a closed tender for the development of SCCP has been announced. The procurement has ended with a positive result. In February 2021, a general agreement on the development and maintenance of SCCP was signed for 4 years. Cooperation with the developer SIA “Meditec” has started.

Activity 8 “Publicity” Information about the project is published on the public websites of all involved partners, a plaque with information about the project is placed at the project implementation site.

Contact person:

Project Manager: Vita Upeniece
