Functions, tasks, goals
The purpose of the IIIS subsystem “Search of persons” is to ensure the collection, updating and transfer of data to competent authorities on searching for a person in criminal proceedings, administrative proceedings, operational proceedings or police inspections in order to achieve the search purpose in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 41 of 21.01.2020.
Legal basis
Accumulated information
- persons who evade the execution of a coercive measure related to deprivation of liberty;
- persons who evade the execution of a custodial sentence;
- persons who evade the execution of coercive measures of a medical nature;
- missing persons;
- persons who must be forcibly taken to a medical treatment institution or place of care;
- persons who are unable to provide information about themselves;
- unidentified bodies;
- person's external features and photographs (if available).
Who provides the information for inclusion in the information system?
- Valsts drošības iestādes;
- Prokuratūras iestādes;
- Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs;
- Valsts ieņēmumu dienests;
- Valsts policija
- Pašvaldības policija;
- Valsts robežsardze
- Tiesas;
- Militārā policija;
- Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde;
- Iekšējās drošības biroja;
- Valsts probācijas dienests;
- citas iestādes, kuras ir tiesīgas uzsākt administratīvo procesu.
- State Security authorities;
- State Probation Service;
- other authorities entitled to initiate administrative proceedings.
How is information provided for inclusion in the information system?
Using input in online data transmission mode.
Systems from which information is received
- Iedzīvotāju reģistrs;
Who can receive information from the information system?
- Valsts drošības iestādes;
- Prokuratūras iestādes;
- Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs;
- Valsts ieņēmumu dienests;
- Pašvaldības policija;
- Tiesas;
- Militārā policija;
- Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde;
- Iekšējās drošības biroja;
- Valsts probācijas dienests;
- Latvijas Republikas diplomātiskās un konsulārās pārstāvniecības;
- Ārlietu ministrijas Konsulārais departaments;
- Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde;
- sworn notaries;
- citas iestādes, kuras ir tiesīgas uzsākt administratīvo procesu;
- The information included in the register shall be provided to foreign competent authorities, as well as to international organizations, in compliance with international agreements binding on the Republic of Latvia and the legal acts of the European Union.
How is training in working with the information system organized?
If the user needs training in working with the information system, contact the department staff. Training is mandatory when granting a user data entry/correction rights.